Guess who's back?

...With a brand new rap!

Okay, I'm now back to blogging AND I WILL MAINTAIN THIS ONE. It's not just because Vey asked me to, but because I've always wanted to but the problem is that my mac is not co-operating with me. 😒

What's changed lately? Well, I've taken up fitness and nutrition since September 2015 and I'm proud to say that from 60kg of muffin tops, bingo wings, a not-so-beer-belly-but-it-is-kinda to a sweet and slender 53kg with muscle. I also am a proud bearer of abs - something I thought would never appear.

I've also learnt the meaning of "love hurts". To actually be happy, have someone whose sarcasm and straight forwardness match yours plus looking up to them as a role model to success then it all fell down with a huge electric jolt and you've no idea why - not even one tiny clue; yeah, felt that this year. We got together unexpectedly and no, he never took advantage. First thing I was drawn to. Next was the fact that I felt the most secure I've ever been with someone. Well, now I know why many people, who were in love, cannot move on quick. And from this, I am growing to love myself through quitting all my satanic habits, shaping my body and taking on more responsibilities in life.

But the biggest change? I've quit a lot. I've literally taken back control of my life and I did this for my own personal reasons. It was the hardest. I couldn't run to the things that allowed me to escape from whatever that troubled me. And with all my problems that piled on me, I had to find ways to solve them and feel okay again. And I managed it. My skin is clearer, glowing, I feel healthier and like a new person again (minus the heart, that shall mend with time).



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