Time Time Time

The more I see news about the hardships of making ends meet, the more I realise that all we ever do is dedicate every inch of our energy and minute of our time to making sure we can get food on the table and petrol in our vehicles.

As I grow older, and as my days are filled up with work from morning until night, I'm beginning to miss the days in which I had time. Isn't it sad that the actual reality of living is that we do not have the time to do many of the things we want to do until we have hit our golden years, and by then we would be grey and old?

I miss hitting the gym. I miss going for the dreaded cardio sessions either on the treadmill or at the gym carpark, in the sun. I miss lifting the weights and telling myself that the heavier I lift, the better my physique will be. Now, if I make it to the gym, I'll do the usual cardio followed by lifting without motivation. I'd tell myself that "at least, you're here".

I miss going to the supermarket to do some grocery shopping and cooking my own meals. 

I miss having the time and energy to enjoy some drinks at the bar without worrying about whether I've over done it with the alcohol and how I can combat a possible hangover the next day.

Most of all, I miss having time for people. I hate having to tell people that I have no time. Have you ever told people the truth about where your time goes and you felt bad that, for not even a small chunk of it, you couldn't even fit them in? 

As the saying goes "as much as you spend time to make a living, don't forget to live your life". Because nobody will ever give back to you, the time that they take from you.



  1. ugh tell me about it & that's why i'm happy freelancing

  2. I took the time to read this. Now I have no time.


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